Sunday, May 10, 2015


Presiden Jokowi resmikan proyek pembangunan terowongan sodetan Ciliwung-Kanal Banjir Timur (KBT) di Jalan DI Panjaitan, Jakarta Timur.
 Ground breaking Trans Sumatera toll road by President Jokowi, April 30, 2015

Under the new Government under Joko Widodo, President and Jusuf Kalla, vice President open wide opportunities to foreign corporates to Invest in Infrastructures in Idonesia like Toll roads, Rail ways/Trains, Sea ports, Airports, Dams etc either in Java island or out of Java. Only Multinational corporates who capable to finance these mega projects.

Recently toll roads concentrated only in Java island but still not yet connected along all regions. Long part of toll roads were in West Java not yet connected to Central Java and small part in Central Java needed huge Investment to be connected with East Java toll roads. Out of Java never before build the toll roads. The same happened to the rail ways. Rail ways also concentrated in Java island and some regions in Sumatera island in the North, West and South but not yet connected inter regions.

Trans Sumatera Master plan

In Sumatera, Kalimantan/Borneo or Sulawesi/Celebes island planned to build a brand new toll roads. Trans Sumatera toll roads ground breaking taken place April 30, 2015 in the tip of South Sumatera at Bakauhuni by President Joko Widodo. This mega project will connected the length of Sumatera from Lampung in the South until Banda Aceh in the North, 2.818 km long.

Recently, the contractors are State own companies who just injected sufficient additional capital from Government to carry out these mega projects. The source of funds for infrastructures more then Rp. 200 trillions this year alone as a result of deleted oil and gas subsidized for the 1st time in Indonesia history. Along the toll roads, side by side planned to build gas pipes and rail ways as well.

Soekarno Hatta airport, Jakarta

Airports and airline business one of the priority to inter connected between thousand archipelago and international routes with Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and other South East Asian countries nearby. Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali airport too crowded to provide convenience service to the costumers. The same happened in the port, Jakarta port were too congested, needed to build another international ports outside the crowded capital and out of Java island as well.

Tanjungpriok, Jakarta port

The red tapes of getting permits from various bodies had been cut, now concentrated in one special body, BKPM, Coordination Board of Investment. If corporate faced difficulties, feel free to call the President directly.

Indonesian dream to build Infrastructures in the East part of the country like Papua (Irian) island, Kalimantan, Sulawesi needed to balance the development between the West and the East regions. The Government unable to finance the whole giant projects. So welcome you to invest in Indonesia.

If you need more information feel free to ask, I will inform as much as I can or I will redirect you to the body related. Just write me :
Name   : Mr. Pinondang Situmeang,
Phone 087.876768.165

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