race or Karapan sapi in Indonesia is a special performance wellknown here in Madura
island, a small island in the North of Surabaya, east Java province. A
pair of two cows compete by carry a light cart of bamboo painted in red
and white, for a jockey to stand and command the cows. The competition
some time reach for 20 - 30 participants.
racing time starting at 9 am and last in a very short time, just 15
minutes for 100 meter lenght. While the racing going on the local music
instruments, "Saronen", Madura gamelan was playing to cheer up the
competition held regularly twice a year, September and Oktober in 3
towns, Bangkalan, Sampang and Sumenep and the winners will be crowned at
the closing ceremony sometime in October after final round.
that time only a "whips" using to encourage the cows for running
faster. But recently they used other ways, by applying heating balm to
the anus and eyes, beating by nails stick to the bodies. These last two
had got complaint by local ulemas to to banned this tortures ways. The
local authorities didn't respons so far.

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