Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Sebuah helikopter melakukan pemadaman api di kawasan hutan di Ogan Ilir, Sumatera Selatan  (1/8/2015). (AFP PHOTO/ABDUL Qodir)

Kebakaran hutan dan lahan di Kalimantan Barat. ( AMP)

Dream of my childhood, 50 years ago, when we set fire intentionally on about a hectare field in the hill away from the villages in order to planted rice seed. We were aware of fire the neighborgh fields, we were ready to put it off the fire at the borders of others fields by simple way just hit the fire by green leafs.So the fire located in our land only.

I was dream of the fire after watching the TV news who saw thick smoke over hundred hectares of the fields for new palm oil plantation in Riau province, South of Sumatra. The fields belong to the local farmers and the companies as well.

I wonder why the farmers and the companies still used the very old system as we did, not using machines to clear up the fields. Yes, the cheapest and the fastest way is to set fire but the consequences are the tick smoke reach neighborgh countries and the healthy of local people 

I wonder why the fire break years by years, made Singapore and Malalaysia complain. President and Police head and Forestry minister from Jakarta had visited the location but the fire break again and again. Government suspected that the fire intentionally set by the local farmers and the companies.

The police ought to investigate more details to proof who was responsible of the fires. Punish the doers so it wouldn't be happened again later.

I beg to the farmers, the companies and the polices please don't think your own interest but think over the local people and ashamed of Singapore and Malaysia.

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