Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Wayan Mirna Salihin dan Suami | Via: istimewa 
Myrna Salihin (victim) and husband

Ini dia tiga kesalahan Jessica yang tidak akan pernah dilupakan oleh ayah Mirna, Edi Darmawan Salihin.
Jessica detained

Saksi kunci, Hanie Juwita Boon menghadiri sidang kasus pembunuhan Wayan Mirna Salihin dengan tersangka Jessica Kumala Wongso di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (13/7). Sidang beragenda mendengarkan keterangan saksi.  ( Fanani)
Hani, Myrna's friend, witness

Jessica, the suspect wear white shirt, still kept calm even fingers pointed at her. She told reporters :
"I hope my lawyer get me out of jail", he said. Poor Jessica who detained for long period of time, 6 months not clear yet she was killed Myrna.

The new development about cafe bartender, Rakka questioning by the defendant lawyer about money transfer, Rp 14 million from Myrna husband. Did her husband paid a bartender to poison his wife ?". Her husband denied by saying :"It was ridiculous". So far Rakka not yet saw his Saving account to the court. Impossible a bartender has such amount of transaction. Myrna father said got a copy of Rakka Saving account but no Rp 14 million transaction in it.  

Myrna father accused Jessica who had the bad behavior while in Australia who made some troubles. She ever been hit a house while driving late at night and arrested. But she was very clever can escaped and run to Indonesia. Jessica'mother defend her daughter said :"It was an accident, no one want to do to hurt herself".
Anyway, hit while driving doesn't proof that Jessica poisoned her friend.

At the court, CCTV turned on saw some suspicious photos that pointed fingers to suspect Jessica who seated calmly beside her lawyers.
One scene saw suspect itched at her thigh that prosecutors said that her action indicated that her tight itch caused by the cianyde poisioning that she pouredin to the Myrna's coffee.
Itching the body not solely by cyanide but may be caused by something else.

The second scene saw that suspect turn her head right and left, prosecutor said it was indicated that she worried about something. But prosecutors forgot at that same time she expected, two friends Myrna and Hani came in to the cafe.

The third was an IT forensic expert who said that the photo in CCTV copied and transferred to a new hard disk. Defendant didn't accept that the source not from the real hard disk but from the copy.

The tree proofs above that saw in the court not proof that suspect Jessica pour something to Myrna's coffee.

The judges hopefully analysis and think it over and over again, not take decision too fast since life at stake. Don't sentence the suspect who did nothing wrong, at least no enough proofs.  

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