Friday, September 14, 2012


What is our impression when see a person seat over a wheel chair beyond health facilities such as in the public areas. Paid attention to their face, sad, not smiling, look like carry big burden and look downward, or low self esteem. Franky speaking, we feel sad or sorry of their condition, how the feeling.
See wheel chair in the  restaurant, shopping mall or in the  garden are the common view in the big cities.

In the other hand, take a look for the families who push a wheel chair behind, beside or seat in the table dinner. They are smile, full passion to support whom seat over a wheel chair. Astonishing view to see how the families love their love one.

These view indicated that a lots of people around us suffer by something terrible happened in their life. A therapist in Jakarta International hospital told me that everyday a person come in to the hospital, attacked by stroked cause by unhealthy life. It mean that in many hospitals, new patients come in every day.

Many missunderstanding about the type of strokes, the way and the time to heal. No one had a similar type and similar time to recovered from stroke attack.

In the neighborhood I met persons related to the stroke who seat over the wheel chair with colorfull advices.
Two women prefferred not going to med doctor, but going to traditional or oriental treatment. Consume special fruit growing in her backyard along with exercises alone. One went to Chinese teacher named Shinse, who consumed oriental medicine only without doctor's prescription.

The first one, lady under 60, just consume special fruit and a little pills, need 2 years before walking back normally, without mention what type of attack she experience. Her important advice is try independently by walking at home.

The second lady who lived in the country side later see treatment in Jakarta city, lay helplessly for 2 years, not seeing a doctor but chinese's herbal and still unable to walk. Also not mention what stroke she experience. She can't afford going to the hospital or doctor.

Another 3 cases, this time a man over 60, under 50 and under 40. The man over 60, only in 3 months walk back normally, also without mention what kind of stroke he experience. He preferred not going to the hospital but going to Chinese accu puncture or needles and hot therapy, traditional way.

The second man, exactly 48 years who attack his verbal/voice.  He frustrated and mad after 5 months not back to normal as golden period 3-6 months expected. He is under doctor supervision and treat in rehabilitation center regularly. His brain not respond correctly in discussion with therapist.

The man under 40 from country side too come to the capital Jakarta seeking for alternative theraphy, traditional way, not going to the doctor for finance reason. For 3 long years he try hard his effort, but develop very slow, walk slowly unstable and right hand folding tight.

The last but not least is my own case, categorized as hard attack, trough   ICU room for a week, superviced by the doctors and theraphy in rehabilitation centre plus home theraphy daily basis. Praise God, only in 3 months start to walk independently wihtout stick support. Hopefully in golden time 3 more months get better.

Based on cases above, we may come to the conclusion that person seated over wheel chair depend its recovery to the support and love from the families and also motivation from the sick, regular exercises from his own soul.

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