Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Astonishing....her white face so calm in the court, suspected poisoned her closed friend. Just like calm ocean without waves. She looks didn't scare for life sentence. Her white Chinese innocent face should be redden to think about the rest of her life in prison. Is she innocent ?. Let's watching a long long court to come.

Poor her, had to suffer, detained for a while before prosecutors could gathered sufficient proofs. Her files back and forth several times between the police forces and prosecutors to made it comprehensive until approached the time limit. The polices try very hard to collected sufficient proofs and witnesses before took to the court.

The story began when 3 closed friends, 2 girls and one lady intended to meet  in Jakarta after a while separated when they studied in Australia. They preferred a cozy cafe who served brand name, Vietnam coffee for high class costumers at Grand Indonesia in the heart of Jakarta city.

Jessica Kumala Wngso, came early, an hour before the date time, ordered 3 Vietnam coffee and paid it off. Because the cafe over capacity, she served outside. Why she came early ? Many reasons. Might be she estimated, not trapped in the traffic. Or she asked some one to took her at certain time.
Why she paid it off before 2 friends came. She said ordered it after Whats Up them in advance. Polices checked it up the phone.

Myrna the victim has a twin. No one suspicious to her nor to Myrna's husband that might be the suspects too. No one suspicious if both of them dreaming to inherited fortune of rich family if Myrna die. No one suspicious. Not make sense at all.

Why, whats the motive Jessica suspected to kill her own friend ? Jealous ?. Wayan Myrna Salihin, the victim had married. Some say Jessica and Myrna had LGBT relationship. Was love between LGBT couple so deep made them dare to kill their spouse.
Whatever the motive are, no one saw that Jessica pour cyanide to the coffee. Hani, the other girls who accompany them in a table, not saw it either.

So the polices and judges had no clear sufficient proofs (minimum 2 proofs) to saw the court who the murderer was. Many witness called to gave a lots of information in the court, mostly pointed fingers to Jessica. But no one saw Jessica poured cyanide to Myrna's coffee. Did some one poured before served on the table ? Who ?

In the court CCTV turn on the scenes of serving the coffee until Myrna, the victim fainted and collapsed backward over the chair. This sequences just a small portion of the scene. The rest video will saw later. Was any sequence saw some one pour cyanide ?. In the scene saw that Hani panicked called Myrna's husband and helped Myrna but Jessica kept calm. Jessica ha no phone number of victim's family.

While she was questioning by polices most of  the TV stations saw her smile a lots, like she was innocent one. How come behind the sweet smiles charged to kill some one. No one know what the court decision later on. I couldn't imagine innocent face sentence to life or death. Or sentence innocent girl without comprehensive proofs ???. Or wrong decision ???. We curious to know the details. Judges very careful to analysis not to make a wrong decision.

 Benarkah Jessica yang Menaruh Sianida di Kopi Vietnam Mirna?

 Jessica Menolak Ketika Diminta Cicipi Kopi Mirna   

 Saat Cicipi Sisa Kopi Mirna, Pegawai Oliver: Wah, Parah Ini

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