Wednesday, May 2, 2012


In the Bank industry, Black list costumers circulated among the Bank since long time ago manually send by mail. In Information technology era, the black list easily access by the Bank all over the country through Computer system. This practice applied at least  in Indonesia.

A costumer who applied for the Bank services, Bank procedure should go to the costumer's files to find out anomaly of the costumer about the old transactions, where the Branch they applied at, including Black list files, prepared by Central Bank computer system.

Now the question is why a costumer administered in the black list. Two mayor reasons why a costumer  classified as a black list costumer. First, if a costumer withdraw bad cheque 3 (tree) times in a row, cheque without sufficient funds in the account, either in Saving account or in Loan account. Second, if a loan repayment over the due time as the agreement said.

Every time a bad check withdraw, Bank send a reprimand letter with series, the 1st serie is a reprimand letter. And when the 3rd reprimand letter,  an account closed and automatically a costumer classification  moved from a regular costumers to the the black list.
                                                      Bank BRI Kupang branch

A costumer may faced the problems in the business and unable to save the sufficient funds to their accounts, the Bank possibly may understand what the problem is as long as a costumer report or discussed it with the Bank to help extend the due date or even to add more loan if necessary.

Whatever the problem is the Bank ultimately find out the real character of the costumers in case the bad cheque withdrawals happened again and again. A customer should aware that wherever they apply for a loan or open checking account, the bank will turn them down. So be wise.

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