Sunday, February 12, 2012


                                Visit NTT 2013 team  
                     SOLID COMMITTEE

How to keep the committee solid and cohesive, mostly depend on a  leader, where the members  rely on, saw his/her consistency to go for the dream, the original goal when Committee set up, then the team will keep in solid shape and go for the dream.

                                                  Team leader

A team leader should possess a higher quality of management skills, technical skills, management experiences, a kind heart, feel the members’ feeling, endure hard pressure, keep the members’ spirit up, posses  more resources, good in negotiation and diplomacy skills, compare to the rest of the members and many more positive attitude to be followed.

The team members consist of various characters people background that a leader may hover over and take advantage - in positive way - for the best of the team. The members may coming from multi aspect backgrounds like an educated, professor with careful analysis, a young ages members with less experiences, IT members with a special calm behavior, a model like lady, an theology background, a rigid lawyer and banker, a writer, the marketers, art   and English teacher and so on.

Every single members might be made any mistakes, but never ever think of to excel them from the organization. Give them  the time for adjusting to the new environment. Just tell whoever made any mistakes to do it right, so all soul of the member peace in mind, won't confuse. Never ever let the fighting happened, but appreciate each other and see how solid the organization is.

Team leader  with excellent background in hand,  could maneuver over various souls above and take advantage of their positive backgrounds. Dealing with English documents and printing materials for instance, the team may ask expertise of an English teacher. Create a special Website belong to  the team, some one with IT expertise may help and set the web faster and cheaper. To administered accurate financial transactions, assigned a team with financial and accounting background. Drafting printing materials, the promotion kits and books, may collaborated professional printer with an art teacher.

The Committee might not be station in a formal address building, since the members still run their own business/projects or working in the company/Government office. So the meeting taken places in various part of the city, in any days, including on weekend and the consequences are spend some costs to travel and sit down for coffee while discussing. These kind of meeting strengthen the cohesive and knew more a character of every member to keep the spirit up.
                                          Coffee in the meeting

The sacrifices not just a couple cup of coffee, most importantly was time consuming in the meetings and travelings, administrative works, the travel expenses out of town to support the task given until the fatigue as the consequences of long discussion.

Beside physical meetings, the members interrelated with virtual communication,  take advantage of Black Berry messenger, to discuss every aspect of programs to achieve a very fast conclusion.Short messages also useful in team communication.
The leader may not involve in discussing the details, but ultimately the conclusion  needed clarification and decision, so the members may go on to implement the decision just made.

In this case, the leader may delegate the authority to the members till to such a level to make it done faster  If ever made any mistakes along the way, it may take the correction later as long as not take advantage for personal benefit of a member.

In the last period of assignment, if the Committee able to achieve what the goal dreaming of, then one day later the temporarily status might be improve to a higher level  to be a fixed institution  like a Board. In this case, since the Committee assisted the Government programs, then might be the legal status of this Committee may switch become a part of Government body.

            After meeting @Governor office @ Kupang city
I dedicated this article to all my colleagues  members of  a Committee, Panitia Visit NTT 2013 just run for about 6 months by now and kept the spirit high and higher, in spite of  obstacles along the way. NTT is the abbreviation of Nusa Tenggara Timur, a special archipelago province with tourism based islands, located in the East of Bali island, in the northern of Australia.


Reiny's Notes said...

I couldn't agree more. You're such a good writer Bp. Pinondang said...

Hi Reiny,

You got me, surprise, you read my blog....Thank you so much. Really appreciated
