Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Wistling I facing my face
My lips curve well
Did we ever met before ?
Unbelievable you born in 1960s
Say thanks to the mirror
Remind me to start changes
Be an Idol to the youngers

Thanks to a mirror on the wall
To saw me a tight bright color of shirt
And a tight blue jeans
Remind me to start changes
Dressing in a simple shirts
Be an Idol to the youngers

Realized my ages start with five
The mirror on the wall not be broken
But we should be change
For our full responsible of life


Anonymous said...

Life is a journey..
To learn..
To explore..
To listen..
To help..
To be happy..
To thank..
To enjoy..
Never stop..
Never will..

www.topramos.blogspot.com said...

Mirror is a reminder
be an example
to our environment
to our family
especially to our kids