Wednesday, January 9, 2013


National school students

Lightning over Jakarta sky in day light shock International schools in Indonesia Republic when January 9, 2013 Costitutional body decide that International school system in the Republic against the Constitutional law year 1945.

Two main reasons behind the decision are, first that Goverment's obligation to set equal education system to all citizen beyond the status, poor or rich. Second, using National laguage, Indonesia in education process.

Since year 2006/2007 Government allow to open International schools with International curicula and English is daily usage in education process.
To run the school in International standard quality, tuition fee much higher then traditional/National schools and only rich segment citizen afford to pay.

International school students

Education ministry allowed for new International schools based on the Law issued in 2003 by Parliament named "National Education system". But after reviewed by Constitutional body, 2003 Law against Republic constitution year1945

Recently 2.047 International schools across the country, from basic school, Junior until Senior high schools. These school will be closed for good and June 2013 is the dead line.

These schools profitable from business point of view with high tuition fee run by Goverment and Private (mostly). Since the beginning these schools got special attention and protest from the public, since only afford by the riches in the cozy buidings and lux cars.

In the other hand, National schools got significant National budget for Education ministry (20%) and set relatively low tuition fee. Constitutional put education as high priority program for the country.

SGC04                 International school facilities

This case is as a good momentum to the Government to review National education system to provide higher quality system to its citizen to enter global competition, include comprehensive English language.

Frangky speaking, Indonesian graduates far above International schools especially inMathematic, physic and Biology. Only for English little bit below, but recently Junior and Senior high school students capable to speak and write well. A little polish by practise make them ready to enter International Universities anywhere.

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